First make sure you have the following packages added to your project:
npm install --save-dev babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-import mocha
On a fresh instal of Sublime text install the following with package control.
- Babel
- Emmet
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint
After installation restart Sublime. Now your files will have linting on them so you can see how nasty your code is. 😉
Sample .eslintrc for refference
{ "parser": "babel-eslint", "extends": "airbnb", "env": { "browser": true, "node": true, "mocha": true }, "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 6, "sourceType": "module", "ecmaFeatures": { "forOf": true, "jsx": true, "es6": true, "experimentalObjectRestSpread" : true } }, "rules": { "comma-dangle": 0, "indent": 0, "react/prop-types": 0, "react/jsx-indent-props" : 0, "linebreak-style": 0, "react/jsx-closing-bracket-location" : 0, "object-curly-spacing" : 0, "arrow-body-style": 0, "no-console": 0, "max-len": 0, "prefer-template": 0, "import/no-unresolved": 0, "global-require": 0, "no-underscore-dangle": 0 }, "plugins": [ "react" ], "globals": { "__DEVSERVER__": true, "__DEVCLIENT__": true } }
Tell me what you REALLY think...