= live

It’s been a while since I had my own web site… which is kinda strange seeing as how I’m a web developer.  To be honest I just haven’t needed one for a long time.  Plus I never found any designs that really made me say “hey that’s cool” until about a week ago.  First I have to say this so people don’t get the wrong idea <ahem> I AM NOT A WEB DESIGNER! <cough> ok now that that’s out of the way…

I came across this while surfing reddit, Bootstrap 386.  Once I saw it I was immediately transported back to what life was like pre Windows 3.1… not gonna lie nostalgia trip.  Anyway I had finally found a web design that I really liked not because it’s modern or fancy but because it is the ultimate form of retro.

So started the development of the Bootstrap 386 WordPress template.  This thing was pretty easy to throw together because kristopolous already did all the hard design work and all I had to do was grab my standard bootstrap ready WordPress base theme and throw in the new CSS and JS.

I wanna thank kristopolous for making this and my year.  Here’s to you man! BTW I’m probably gonna help with bringing this project in to BS3 at some point.

2 thoughts on “ = live

  1. Hello Joe,
    I stumbled upon your comment about your effort to squeeze Bootstra.386 into a WordPress theme (!topic/bootstra-386/5whvZ1OoKhQ) and see that you were successful in doing so on your website. Ah and I found your presentataion here: – but the download button doesn’t seem to work. I would very much be interested to build my own website with the same theme. Can your theme be bought?

    Best regards

    1. Joe says:

      If your still interested I could send you a copy 😉

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